Benson Polytechnic High School Alumni Association

June 25, 2014
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Benson’s most recent graduate

Sometimes the best stories come out of nowhere.  It was the last day of PPS’ school year.  Benson had just graduated its seniors a few days prior.  We received an email from Vice Principal Carbone asking how the alumni association … Continue reading

June 25, 2014
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Benson receives Kaiser grant to pursue student health center.

Back in May, The Oregonian highlighted a push by Benson Counselor Amy Henry to bring a student health center to the school.  In relation to that effort, Kaiser Permanente has awarded Benson a $40,000 grant to pursue the planning of … Continue reading

June 10, 2014
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Benson Graduation 2014

The Oregonian ran a nice story with a few pictures from Benson’s graduation on June 9th. Graduation 2014: Benson Polytechnic High School celebrates diversity (w/photos) As an added bonus, Principal Wilson was live tweeting the entire event! Principal Wilson hanging … Continue reading

June 6, 2014
by administrator
Comments Off on After 99 Rose Festival queens, one Portland Public school has never taken home the crown

After 99 Rose Festival queens, one Portland Public school has never taken home the crown

The Oregonian noticed that Benson has never had a Rose Festival queen and did some research. Most of us already knew that for many of those years, Benson didn’t have any female students to nominate. This piece looks back at … Continue reading