Benson Polytechnic High School Alumni Association

Benson Band Video 2010

8th grade promotional video

Benson feature on Garden Time TV (2007)

Supporting KBPS’ Summer Sound program

The BPHSAA is once again pleased to be able to support KBPS’ Summer Sound program by donating $500 to the program. If you would like to join us in supporting KBPS, you can learn more at the KBPS website. Listen … Continue reading

Community Meeting – Benson Athletics – 5/21 @ 7pm

The future of Benson’s sports is still in the air. While football and other Benson teams are “safe” next year; in the next school year (2015-16) some or all of Benson’s teams may be in “jeopardy”. PPS District officials will … Continue reading

Help Benson get the same student health center that every other Portland high school has.

You’ve no doubt read the Oregonian article about how Benson is lacking a health center.  While the history may be understandable, the limitations of old no longer exist and Benson’s student population could really use the services a Multnomah County … Continue reading

Benson High students, counselor push for school-based health center, mental health help

Benson students and its head counselor are working to find the resources to create and staff a school-based health center on the Benson campus.  Such health centers are common place at the other PPS high schools, and even some middle … Continue reading

Benson alum wins prestigious Milken Educator Award

Teresa Chan Seidel, a Robert Gray Middle School math teacher, was selected as 1 of 35 educators to win the Milken Educator Award this year. You can read all about it over at The Oregonian.

Flashback Monday: KGW profiles KBPS circa 1991

Benson football will try to show it is a ‘viable’ program

Head coach, Anthony Stoudamire, is optimistic about the future of Benson Football.  Turnout for football has been on the increase since he took over the team two seasons ago.  All of the focus that has been placed on the program … Continue reading